Aug 15, 2023 - 08:00 AM
Yes and no. Although it doesn’t matter how long a ring has been stuck, the amount of time it has been stuck will change the techniques used to remove the ring.
If the customer has been unable to remove the ring for 2 weeks or less, it is likely fluid that is blocking the ring from being removed. In this situation, the compression device should be applied for 5 minutes (1 round). The step by step guide outlining the corkscrew and rocker techniques should be used to attempt removal.
If the ring has been stuck for more than 2 weeks, it is likely tissue that is blocking the ring from being removed. In this case, after the first 5 minute round of placing the compression device on the finger, a second 5 minute round should be used to further shrink the finger. This is because fluid is more responsive to compression than tissue is, therefore these cases will need more time to compress down to a more manageable size.