Aug 15, 2023 - 08:00 AM
For best results, apply the colour on top of a base of clear flux. Clear Flux is not only ideal to use as you would a regular colour, but also as either a base coat or top coat. This can add vibrancy to another colour, producing stunning results every time.
When applying enamels that contain gold (such as ruby and pink) there is a risk that they will turn brown or yellow if they come into direct contact with silver. Applying a coat of clear flux prior to the application of an enamel containing gold will solve this problem.
However, please note when using Champlevé and Cloisonné techniques you may have a problem if the enamel comes into contact with the vertical walls of the cells that have not been completely coated with flux. A solution to this problem is to grind the clear flux very fine, making it easy to apply to the walls of the cells.